February 11, 2017
Announcing Business Card Scanning
BY John Paul Narowski IN Company 0 Comment

Do you ever end up with a stack of business cards from strong leads, but they just gather dust sitting on your desk? Us Too! The last time we spent 2 hours entering business cards into karma we decided it was going to be the last time.
We’re proud to announce our new business card scanning feature. This allows you to take a picture of a business card with our karmaCRM mobile app, then a new contact is created in your CRM from the information on the card. These cards are scanned by humans so you don’t have to worry about errors.
Once the card is entered, you can apply automations to the contact and even send them a thank you email. Fight back against the business card stack, and save time!
How to use it?
This is a beta feature so please reach out to us at support@karmacrm.com and we’ll get it added to your account.
How much does it cost?
This feature will be $5 per month to add it to your account for 25 scans. Each scan after 25 will be $0.25 a scan.
How do you like it?
Since this is a beta feature, we’re looking for feedback on how you like this feature, and how we can make it better.