October 1, 2016
Featured Customer: PlanOmatic
BY Krista Garver IN Featured Customers 0 Comment

In 2005, PlanOmatic began as a scrappy start-up focused on real estate plans and continued to grow through one of the biggest real estate crashes in U.S. history. Today, the company serves more than 20,000 zip codes in 30 states.
Aaron Rose, Co-Founder & Vice President of Corporate Accounts for PlanOmatic, knew just what his company needed to grow. He was in the market for a lightweight sales tracking system that would help his team manage daily tasks, outbound emails, and other everyday sales processes. He knew from the outset that an enterprise-sized CRM would be overkill.
With karmaCRM, Rose found the streamlined system he was looking for. With its reasonable price point, essential features, and user-friendly interface, “karmaCRM was a perfect fit.”
Rose was also impressed with how customizable the system was. “Everyone on the PlanOmatic sales team uses karmaCRM slightly differently. It helps us all mix and match features so they make the most sense with the way we each work.”
“karmaCRM is our sales guidebook for the week.”
Daily reports from karmaCRM guide PlanOmatic’s sales plans. They keep everyone on track, show what tasks need to be completed on a given day, and provide a snapshot of team and individual progress. “My team absolutely loves it. They can see the progress they’re making every single day. The dashboard has become indispensable.”
One member of the PlanOmatic sales team set up over 350 presentations in one year. Rose credits karmaCRM with helping him succeed. “Without karamCRM, he’d be clueless about how to manage his day. He lives, eats, and breathes karmaCRM every day. ”
Are you one with karmaCRM, too? Share your success story with us!
About PlanOmatic
PlanOmatic was established in 2005 after its founders had been working extensively with floor plan creation software. Their full-service platform sprouted from a mission to provide high-quality marketing products created with cutting-edge technology and supported by exceptional customer service. Agents across the nation rely on PlanOmatic to help brand themselves professionally and exceed their marketing goals.