CRM, Sales Tips, Professional Speaking, Company News

July 3, 2013

Building Your Personal Brand: Good for You, Good for your Company [Part 1]

BY Shirley Robinson IN Small Business

(Part 2 is here.) You’re not Steve Jobs.  And you probably never will be.  Experiencing a pang of disappointment?  Why do so many business owners seek to emulate the legendary CEO of Apple Computer?  Jobs was probably the epitome of a business owner whose personal brand led to so much of the company’s success.  He was one of a kind.  But as with many of his decisions, those of us trying to grow our businesses and our fortunes can learn from him in how he built the Jobs brand. Although great brands often have visionary leaders with the power to … Continue reading Building Your Personal Brand: Good for You, Good for your Company [Part 1]

June 28, 2013

How much do users REALLY want to know about your product?

BY Shirley Robinson IN Sales and Marketing

A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. -Alexander Pope, beginning of part 2 of “An Essay on Criticism” Pope’s observation about a little learning being “a dangerous thing” could be the motto of the Internet in general, what with our rapid access to mountains of tidbits on every imaginable subject. Today, though, we’re going to talk about something a bit more specific, something that’s a constant issue for software companies, among others: what’s the “right” amount of information to share … Continue reading How much do users REALLY want to know about your product?

June 18, 2013

Introducing the Advanced Query Builder for karma2!

BY Shirley Robinson IN karmaCRM News and Updates

At karma, we understand the power of data. It’s not enough just to have the information: you have to be able to get to it and act on it. And it’s not so much “sooner rather than later” as it is “right now or not at all”. That’s the reason why CRM is so important, especially as we deal with more and more information. Our customers love being able to filter their information quickly and easily, but sometimes they needed more. We’re very excited to talk about one of the coolest new features to come out of the karma labs … Continue reading Introducing the Advanced Query Builder for karma2!

February 8, 2013

Making the Most of Your Social Media Leads

BY Shirley Robinson IN Sales and Marketing

Contacting people who have spontaneously reached out to you via social media can be more powerful than simple advertising; in today’s world people are very aware of advertising and very distrusting of it. But personal recommendations by people they trust and admire remain absolute gold.

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