February 24, 2010
BY John Paul Narowski IN Customer Service
Investing is customer service is not something every business likes to do. Many budget crunchers see customer service as a waste of time and money. But as many businesses will admit, they would be sunk without a well-built customer service department. This post highlights some key areas your customer service department can focus on.
February 22, 2010
BY John Paul Narowski IN Productivity
Whether your working on your home renovations or trying to get that next proposal done, distractions always seem to get in the way of productivity. Distractions are even more plentiful nowadays as the internet continues to overwhelm us with procrastination programs. If you’re trying to regain a high level of productivity, you need to manage your time and focus on the task at hand. You can start with these 5 tips to drown out the noise in in your hectic life.
February 18, 2010
BY John Paul Narowski IN CRM Software, Sales and Marketing
The next generation of Customer Relationship Management has arrived: Karma is here! On our site you’ll find everything you need to take your sales to the next level. KarmaCRM is currently in Beta so feel free to browse and around on a free trial, take the feature tour, and let us know what you think.
February 10, 2010
BY John Paul Narowski IN karmaCRM News and Updates
We have made your dashboard more IGoogle like by adding widgets. Over time our goal is for the dashboard page to become your sales hub with everything presented at your fingertips.
December 30, 2009
BY John Paul Narowski IN Productivity
A large majority of working professionals adhere to the standard corporate nine-to-five schedule. While some work more, less, or different hours to meet the unique requirements of their position chances are you’re expected to be at your desk for a set number of hours each day.
December 9, 2009
BY John Paul Narowski IN karmaCRM News and Updates
With 1,000,0000,000 blogs out there, its crucial to know what your getting into when considering subscribing to a new one. This should help explain what you should expect from the Karma blog. If you are interested in getting sales tips and tricks or help streamlining your sales process then this could be a good resource for you. It’s our goal to provide you with information without the rhetoric, so you don’t have to spend stripping it all out to get down to the useful details.
December 5, 2009
BY John Paul Narowski IN Karma, karmaCRM News and Updates
Why in the world would we want to create another CRM system?
Simple. Because we are tired of feeling overwhelmed by features we don’t use, while missing the few simple features that we need in CRM Software. We aren’t trying to shoot for the moon, just provide you with a system that just works, leaving all the nitty gritty behind the scenes.